Haleigh making a bath bomb with Lila, 7.
1. Why are you a Child Life professional?
Serving others has always been my passion. I get to do this in a unique way in Child Life by supporting patient’s development, coping skills, and psychosocial health during life-altering experiences.
2. How long have you worked in Child Life?
I have been a Child Life specialist for 2 and a half years and have work in the Bone Marrow Transplant unit for almost 2 of those years.
3. What has been the most rewarding aspect of Child Life?
I love seeing how resilient our patients and families are. Our patients are going through these life-altering experiences that push them to find their inner strength and spirit. I love getting to help patients and families build coping skills and supporting them through their journey at Children’s Health.
4. Describe your favorite Children's Cancer Fund experience?
I love that Children’s Cancer Fund came forward at the start of the pandemic to help us with the activity cart. This cart has been so helpful for our patients who have limited access to the playroom and on isolation. The activity cart brings so much joy and happiness, as well as distraction and alternative focus from medical interventions and experiences.